Wtf? said: Ok like seriously..STFUP voltron or whatever. You obviously sent the pic to Stella (SDK) for publicity, that is if u are not the lady in question.
Who gives a rat ass who Lanre is, or the woman he chose to marry? Who doesn't know the dirty man as a lose chronic sexmaniac both home and abroad? Isn't another lady 4months pregnant for him in the UNITED States as I type this?
What are u celebrating?? U should be ashamed of your self and the circle of people you defend and promote in public. Wouldn't have said a damn thing but for ur obnoxious repertoire and distasteful defence mechanism at shutting people up.
From all indication you are an agbero too, your comments depicts who u are...and it reeks ZERO Class. Can't people say their minds again? Must the comments be positive? When u sent the story in what did u expect to get? Are u the one feeding us here that we have to bow to ur sorry asses??
Do we care to know whether they married for love, lust, or for bloody convenience? Who the hell are u? Who the fuck is Teriba? And who in the monkey is this lady here? Now listen, if u must know, to ur household, marrying Lanre Teriba may be an achievement to round off the year for u lot. But some of us here are not in the least impressed by the sudden unholy solemnisation of a randy man who distributes STD to all and sundry... but has now become ur testimony and answers to ur much awaited dire need for marital bliss.
I praise the Lord for u..hallelu..halleluyahhh.. How do I know u are deceiving yourselves? You'll have to take a trip to hell to ask the Devil to show u proof. Morally lax individuals like him always end up with desperate women for housewives.
So save me the mumbo jumbo about how he chased her for eternity before she agreed..yea freaking right. Good luck to her if she agreed to be one of his concubine..but get the hell out and give us a damn breather. Shameless merchant and sole distributor of STD.
We need not know u personally to understand you are a local champion...celebrating Teriba. Bet he's the closest you've been to any person u see on ur TV. See as she dey polongo nonsensical razz matters. Come back here and I shall return to answer u...With serious ass opening sef. How dare u disrespect SDKers?? PS. Pls don't return with a lame come back by attributing my post to one from a scorned woman in that man's life. Cos that's what pple like u will say...it would be an insult to my person and generation to come. Let's just say am one of his auto biographers who knows a few women he's 'engaged' to marry..Ahahah. And hey .... I am NOT sorry for my epistle. Am outta ere.
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