
Friday, 27 December 2013

White Teacher Suspended For Telling Black Student – “We Don’t Need Another Black President”

An Ohio teacher who told one of her African-American students that “we don’t need another black president” has been suspended without pay for her racist antics. via Cincinatti Enquirer A Fairfield Freshman School teacher has been suspended without pay and faces the prospect of dismissal after allegedly making racially insensitive statements to a student earlier this month. Monday, the Fairfield Board of Education suspended science teacher Gil Voigt. He has 10 days to request a hearing before the school board or a referee.

 Voigt, who is white, is accused of telling an African-American male student, “We do not need another black president” after the student said he would like to become president. The incident occurred on Dec. 3, with several other students present, according to a report from Assistant Superintendent Roger Martin, who conducted a disciplinary hearing on the matter. It isn’t the first time the 14-year Fairfield teacher has been disciplined. He received a verbal warning for making an inappropriate racial comment in 2008. That year he also received a verbal warning for improper use of school technology.
 As if young black boys don’t face enough negativity growing up in this country already. This sorry excuse for a teacher should be fired, not suspened!

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