In a statement to police, the unnamed victim, 15, said the suspect came to her house in Muzaffarpur, India, allegedly in search of his lost ID card. The girl told authorities that her father, a teacher, had been tutoring the suspect , and he was a regular visitor at their house. “I accepted his (Facebook) friend request a year ago because I found him decent then,” she said in her statement. “But of late he had become abusive and so I ‘unfriended’ him last week.” The suspect arrived at the family’s home last Wednesday, and proceeded to lock the girl and her mother in a room. He then boiled a pot of water in the kitchen, and poured its contents on the girl’s face, causing her to sustain severe burns on her right cheek and neck. The suspect, since identified by police as Yudishsthir Yadav, quickly fled the residence. His whereabouts remain unknown.
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Friday, 3 January 2014
Teen Holds Girl Hostage Then Throws Boiling Water In Her Face For Unfriending Him On Facebook
In a statement to police, the unnamed victim, 15, said the suspect came to her house in Muzaffarpur, India, allegedly in search of his lost ID card. The girl told authorities that her father, a teacher, had been tutoring the suspect , and he was a regular visitor at their house. “I accepted his (Facebook) friend request a year ago because I found him decent then,” she said in her statement. “But of late he had become abusive and so I ‘unfriended’ him last week.” The suspect arrived at the family’s home last Wednesday, and proceeded to lock the girl and her mother in a room. He then boiled a pot of water in the kitchen, and poured its contents on the girl’s face, causing her to sustain severe burns on her right cheek and neck. The suspect, since identified by police as Yudishsthir Yadav, quickly fled the residence. His whereabouts remain unknown.
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