
Sunday, 2 February 2014

Bill O’Reilly Says Black Americans Are Poor Because Of Obama And Babies Born Out Of Wedlock

Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly is something of an expert on black people.
Via Salon reports:
For example, O’Reilly knows — from firsthand experience! — that not all black people scream obscenities at their server when they patronize a restaurant.
And he also knows that black people encounter racism (which they should just ignore).
He’s basically like Fox News’ own version of Henry Louis Gates Jr.
So when Bill O’Reilly argues that black people in America are disproportionately unemployed and economically disadvantaged because of “the culture,” you know you better listen. This is an expert speaking, people!

Speaking on his Fox News show on Thursday, O’Reilly noted that black Americans are among President Obama’s most dedicated and enduring supporters. But — but — O’Reilly also revealed some video footage in which two black men criticize Obama, which is bad news for Obama because two people is like one person, doubled.
O’Reilly next transitions to talking about how black people are struggling in the lackluster economic recovery, citing high rates of unemployment and a lower median household income. “So, after five years in office, President Obama has not really lifted the fortunes of African-Americans,” O’Reilly continues. “The question is, why not?”
Here’s Bill’s answer: “… it’s partially due to the culture.”
“You might be tired of hearing that 72 percent of black babies are born out of wedlock,” he continues, before adding, “I know I’m tired of hearing it.”
“But that is what is driving poor economics in the black community,” O’Reilly says. “And in many black precincts, there’s chaos in the streets, in the schools, and in the homes.”
O’Reilly isn’t laying all the blame on black people themselves, though. He argues this is partially Obama’s fault, too.

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