
Saturday 22 March 2014

BREATHTAKING PHOTOS: Russian Daredevil Takes Insane Selfies Dangling From The Top Of High-Rise Buildings

kirill oreshkin

Armed with nothing but a camera and an abundance of bravery, Russian photographer Kirill Oreshkin takes some photographs that'll make you nauseous -- but there is nothing gross about them.

In the short Vocativ feature below, Oreshkin explains why he climbs to the tops of some of the world's tallest buildings, risking life and limb, just for the perfect photo.
"I started doing it because I like the views," Oreshkin said. "I like photographing the city and the people I get to spend time with."
He goes on to take the film crew on the harrowing and mind boggling experience that is a Kirill Oreshkin photo shoot. To see more of his work, you can check out his website.

kirill oreshkin  

kirill oreshkin 

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