happy mother's day to all the beautiful mother's of the world.
A mother is more than just a woman
A mother is more than just a wife
A mother has brought to this world a new born
A mother has brought to this world life
mother symbol of peace alive
A mother is more than just a wife
A mother has brought to this world a new born
A mother has brought to this world life
mother symbol of peace alive
A mother who guide you alive
A mother the greatest alive
A mother first and foremost alive
A mother is one with love and honor
A mother comforts you day and night
A mother; a new one every hour
A mother teaches wrong from right
A mother knows when you are worried
A mother knows when you are joyed
A mother knows when you are sorry
A mother knows just what's inside
A mother needs your love forever
A mother needs to see your smile
There's no better gift for mama
A mother comforts you day and night
A mother; a new one every hour
A mother teaches wrong from right
A mother knows when you are worried
A mother knows when you are joyed
A mother knows when you are sorry
A mother knows just what's inside
A mother needs your love forever
A mother needs to see your smile
There's no better gift for mama
Than her very awesome little child smile
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