The schoolgirls abducted by the Boko Haram reportedly have been seen today, April 28, in South Borno, in the Gwoza-Bama axis. The 200 missing girls have been hustled around in about seven buses.
The information about abducted GGSS (Governmental Girls' Secondary School) female students was provided by active citizens in Maiduguri. And a non-governmental organization (NGO) fighting for civil right, led by Dr Peregrino Brimah, disclosed this information to the press.
The organization urgently call on the security agencies to go in pursuit and asks Goodluck Jonathan administration to approve immediately the formal request of the thousands of Civilian-JTF members and several thousand ready-volunteer youth around the nation for the permission to bear arms as civilian army patriots to seek, capture and eradicate Boko Haram terrorists and release all abductees and forced
Yesterday, April 27, security sources stated that the military has already identified the various camps in which the girls are being held, but is being cautious about executing a full onslaught against their captors, in order to avoid collateral damage.
But here's the same News according to BBC:

Almost two weeks after they were driven away from their boarding school
in the town in the middle of the night, there is no sign of the over
187 abducted girls
According to BBC,
A solider told BBC
According to BBC,
A resident of the small town of Gwoza in the remote north-east said on 25 April she saw a convoy of 11 vehicles painted in military colours carrying many girls.The attack is an eerie echo of a mass abduction in northern Uganda back in 1996. A total of 139 girls aged between 11 and 16 were seized from dormitories at St Mary's School in Aboke.
This will be of little comfort to the parents as it suggests at least some are now even further from home, close to the Cameroonian border.
The fact that Islamist fighters from the Boko Haram group are still able to move across parts of Borno state in convoys points to the severe limitations of the current military strategy.
They were tied together with rope and were taken away by the Lords Resistance Army (LRA), which says it is fighting for a state based on the Biblical 10 Commandments. So, same terror tactics, different religion.In Nigeria there was such utter confusion and terror after the attack on Chibok School that several days later it was still not clear how many girls were missing.
In an extraordinary act of bravery the headmistress, Sister Rachele Fassera, followed them into the bush and managed to rescue 109 of them.
The rest were forced to become so-called wives of the rebel commanders. Most of the "Aboke Girls" escaped and returned years later as young mothers. But at least four of them never came home.
A solider told BBC
"We are in a difficult situation. We are underequipped we do not have the required weapons,."You cannot confront someone with more sophisticated weapons than you. It is not our superiors doing the fighting - we are the ones at the front line,.There cannot be many countries where the political leaders stay as silent following such a tragedy. So far, UK Foreign Secretary William Hague has said more about the Chibok attack than Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan
This problem is not from us at the front line but from our superiors. We, the soldiers, have the courage to confront Boko Haram but we do not have sufficient weapons."
"So we have to consider our families our parents and when we go there and get killed, what becomes of our families?"
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