
Thursday 14 November 2013

Akon-monogamy is not only 'stupid'; it’s 'impossible

Akon who is a known polygamist said in a recent interview that monogamy is not only 'stupid'; it’s 'impossible.' Read what he said below and tell us if you agree with him..

"The average guy in the world has a main girl and they got a side chick. And then they got a jumpoff. At the end of the day as a male we are natural breeders by nature. We can’t even escape it if we wanted to. 
Let’s say you put 1,000 guys on one corner and one bad chick walk passed. You gon’ see 1,000 heads go, ‘Damn.’ They don’t even know why they doing it. They’re natural breeders. It’s in their genes, they can’t help it. Men are put on this earth to breed and the reason why God put multiple women on this earth is for that. 
People are having relationships, boyfriend and girlfriend, and treating it like it’s actually marriage. You’re just dating.  
The whole purpose of dating is so you can date this one, and date this one, and date this one until you find out, ‘Okay, this is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. Okay now, I commit to what’s called marriage.’  
You find that one woman that supplies everything that you desire in a woman, of course that will be a motivation to stick with that one woman, but I don’t know no one woman that can satisfy every man’s one need. It’s impossible. Just like there’s no man that can satisfy a woman’s every need. Women just aren’t built to breed like that or… mate with more than one partner. Women aren’t built that way, men are.”

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