
Thursday 17 October 2013

5 things you should not say at work

Keeping one’s professional life, professional, is the best policy, yet often we do put our foot in our mouths and say things that should have been best avoided.
Being courteous and friendly with co-workers is a good thing, but becoming friends can lead to problems as there could be a clash of interests and what is said can inadvertently backfire.
To avoid the embarrassment and complications that come along, there are certain things that you should strictly avoid saying at work.

Do not speak badly about the boss
Agreed, you can’t decide who hates the boss more between the two of you. You may have spent many hours in the pantry discussing how inefficient and bad s/he is.
However, things may go wrong if one of you later turns out be what a child would call tale tattler. If you happen to be the victim you would sure know what lies ahead of you. So, foresee the dangers and tread carefully.

Stop gossiping
As you should refrain from talking about your boss, try not to bad mouth your colleague/s or indulge in any kind of gossip.
You never know who spills the beans and strains your relationship with people you need to work with on a daily basis.

‘I hate my job and this company’
The economy is moving up but there are more candidates available than there are jobs. So, do not harp on how your job stinks and the bad company you’ve been employed with.
You definitely don’t want to be shown the door and how ever bad your job is, it is better than being unemployed.

Keep your personal life personal
Your co-worker is not there to listen to all your woes and personal problems.
Keep your spouse, kids, in-laws and maid problems at home. It’s best to behave professionally at work and leave home bickerings at home.

You are out, looking out
Never confide in anybody at work that you are looking out for opportunities. If people in your office believe in Chinese whispers there are chances that your integrity and longevity will be in doubt, keeping further promotions and increments on hold.
And, in case of downsising you will be perhaps the first one to be shown the door

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